Tuesday, April 5, 2016

VFX Visual Effects

In film making, visual effects (abbreviated VFX) is a way of mixing false or animated images with real film shooting. There are many examples, for instance when a movie shows a hero jumping off the ground and flying through the air, or when a character performs things that are impossible to perform. The Avengers Movie is a very good example of vfx, a lot of the action scenes are created with visual effects. The visual effects are incredible in this movie and takes a lot, I mean a lot of time to create. Here are 2 videos which show some of the visual effects: 

The majority of films today use a lot of visual effects as it helps create an environment which looks realistic, but would be too dangerous, expensive and impractical to capture on film. Visual effects have become very important in the filming industry as it often becomes integral to a movie's narrative and appeal. Visual effects is often applied after post-production but it is carefully planned in pre-production and production. The visual effects is led by a visual effects supervisor and is usually involved closely to the director and the production of a film, as this helps guide and lead the visual effects teams to produce what is desired for the film. Another really great movie that uses special effects is the film, Jurassic World:

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